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Now-a-days Architecture and Interior Design fields go through a lot of new changes. People are getting more found of eco-friendly and smart homes with automated atmosphere. Both of this field is stirred by culture, tradition, changing values of the society. Technological advancement in terms of design and 3D have become a plus point for this industry. 

A Design Studio is a built up on the two most creative pillars of the interior designing field – Rupali Naik & Satish Naik. The company is situated in Mumbai and takes up initiatives to provide and achieve something unique and different in each and every project they carry out. They believe in providing with accurate planning, design and delivery solutions for the built environment. 

The firm is committed to integrating diversity and inclusion into every aspect of the working of the firm. Moreover they makes sure to take into consideration the latest trends when planning a new design. But they see to it that the design is grounded in reality, as you will have to deliver on what you promise. It must also be a bit aspirational so you have something to strive for. 

A Design Studio work across under different projects such as residential, commercial, retail, healthcare and more which is why the designs are incredibly versatile and one of their kind. It works with the belief that change should be the only constant. A professional services brand is best understood as your firm’s reputation and it’s visibility in the marketplace. The strength of your brand can be measured as Reputation X Visibility. Increasing visibility alone, without strengthening your reputation, is rarely successful. 

The firm believes in focused high growth through targeted clients. The narrower the focus, the faster the growth. They also firmly believe that the name, logo and tagline are not your brand. There are ways to communicate or symbolize your brand. Building a brand identity is a multi-disciplinary strategic effort, and every element needs to support the overall message and business goals. So hence, the diversity of work in designing spaces has become the signature style of designing over the years. 

The company has created a consistent perception, rather than trying to combine every conceivable positive trait: utility, affordability, quality, nostalgia, modernity, luxury, flash, taste, and class. So building a brand identity is a multi-disciplinary strategic effort, and every element needs to support the overall message and business goals. 

A Design Studio ensures that there is versatility in planning for each and every new project with accordance to the preferences and choices of the clients and not according to rigid design standards. As a starting firm the company faced many challenges in the initial phases. Majorly that people would not have the trust in new architects. However, as time passed and with the kind of originality and dedication the company won heart of all their clients. 

In the future, A Design Studio aims to work on larger scale projects where details could be put to more use. It is also a dream of the company to be able to work abroad with larger patrons. Because they have faith in, “You must live it to make it real.”


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